
Aims and Scope

CPME seeks to promote the research and applied knowledge in the areas of cultural policy, management, and entrepreneurship. It encourages interdisciplinary dialogues between humanities and political, economic, and social sciences; as well as cross-sectorial debates among the academia, policy makers, cultural administrators, managers, and entrepreneurs. CPME aims to bring about important findings locally, regionally, and globally. It covers topics of (but not limited to):

1.The integration of thoughts, ideas, values, philosophies, discourses and pragmatical knowledge of cultural policy, management, and entrepreneurship; and the connectivity among cultural identity, cultural communities, cultural rights, cultural studies, historical and contemporary cultural issues, and cultural institutions and policies.
2.Areas of cultural policy (arts subsidies, visual arts, performing arts, cultural facilities, cultural heritages, audio-visual, creative and cultural industries etc.); cultural institutions, cultural laws, cultural administration, public and private partnership, and multiple-level governance of culture.
3.Cultural diplomacy, soft power, international cultural organizations, international cultural relations, intercultural exchanges and networks, and international cultural trades.
4.The management and operation of artistic organizations (museums, galleries, art centers, performing arts venues etc.) and cultural intermediaries; curations and discourses of cultural events and exhibitions.
5.Nonprofit cultural organizations and network governance of culture; cultural heritage management; community and urban regeneration; arts education; and the incubation and training of cultural professionals.
6.Cultural forums and cultural public sphere; media (we media and public media) study; and cultural and digital technology.
7.Evaluation of cultural values and cultural impacts; valuation of intangible cultural assets; cultural statistics, surveys, and indicators; cultural economics; cultural diversity and sustainability.
8.Creative and cultural economy; management of cultural events, festivals, and creative and cultural districts.
9.Social and cultural innovations; cultural startups and cultural entrepreneurship; venture capital and e-commerce platforms for culture; collaborations of arts and businesses; corporate social responsibility and social enterprises for culture.
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