Culture: Policy, Management and Entrepreneurship (CPME) is an international academic journal that seeks to promote the research and applied knowledge in the areas of cultural policy, management and entrepreneurship. Based in Taiwan, it aims to bring about important findings locally and globally, in order to advance critical knowledge and discourse in the field of cultural policy studies.
CPME emphasizes the integration of thoughts, ideas, philosophies, value discourses and pragmatical knowledge of cultural policy, management and entrepreneurship. It encourages interdisciplinary dialogues between humanities and political, economic and social sciences; as well as cross-sectorial debates among the academia, policy makers, cultural administrators, managers and entrepreneurs.
CPME covers topics of (but not limited to): cultural thoughts and discourses of cultural policy; cultural laws and institutions, the operation of artistic organizations, curation and management of cultural events; cultural NPOs and network governance; heritage management and community regeneration; arts education; cultural and digital technology; media and cultural public sphere; creative and cultural economy, CSR and social enterprises for culture; international cultural relations and cultural diplomacy; cultural statistics and evaluation of cultural impacts; and cultural sustainability.
CPME is a high quality, open access, peer-reviewed Chinese and English language journal published dually online ( and in print by Taiwan Association of Cultural Policy Study every 6 months. The first issue is to be launched in November 2022. CPME is sponsored by Philo Social Enterprise. The Journal follows the standard for Ethics and Publication Malpractice set by the COPE. CPME invites submissions of original scholarly articles from both senior figures in the field and younger scholars who wish to challenge the established knowledge practice. All articles are subject to a double-blind review process, organized by editorial board and international scientific committee. Members of the committee includes scholars from East-Asia, Southeast Asia, Europe, and the US. Article submissions (no longer than 10,000 words, in CMS Style) should be emailed, as Microsoft Word attachments, to T3CPME at
* ISSN (Print) / 2958-1966
* ISSN (Online) / 2958-1974