
多位學會成員出席2024 ENCATC大會,探討文化作為永續未來的關鍵角色

圖1. 取自ENCATC Facebook專頁。

學會吳介祥理事長受邀出席2024 ENCATC大會主題座談、擔任主題場次演講及主持人;劉俊裕常務理事受邀擔任主題場次演講及主持人;多位學會成員包括古淑薰理事、王薌君、李珮瑀、陳曼均、陳淑美、鄭佳姍、簡子涵、謝惠伃並參與大會研究論文發表。

2024 ENCATC大會(2024 ENCATC Congress)於9月18至20日於義大利萊切(Lecce, Italy)舉行,年度主題為「不可或缺的文化:到達永續未來的跨學科途徑」(Culture that matters: Interdisciplinary Approaches for Sustainable Futures)。大會匯聚了來自全球35個國家、共計200多位學者專家及青年研究者,共同聚焦拓展永續發展的討論維度,使理論見解與現實世界的應用結合起來,以期為永續未來找到實際的步驟、跨領域的新途徑來解決當今面臨的迫切問題。

其中吳介祥理事長受邀出席主題座談—「2024全球對話:在數位世界中串接不同文化」(2024 Global Conversation: Connecting Cultures in the Digital World)。此座談場次為ENCATC大會例行的指標活動,與AAAE(Association of Arts Administration Educators)合作辦理,邀請學術界人士就文化和創意產業相關主題提出多元化和批判性的觀點。今年的主題探討數位平台作為彌合文化差距和促進全球藝術合作方面的變革力量,包括數位科技如何將跨越地域的視覺及表演藝術帶進日常、如何透過AR/VR體驗活動的現場感受、如何促使藝術家的跨境合作等等。對話中講者分別分享藝術家、學術界和文化機構之間成功合作的案例,自數位的觀點呈現文化交流中的永續性面貌。

圖2. 取自2024 ENCATC 大會手冊。

大會中相關主題座談及論文發表場次議程,敬請參考2024 ENCATC大會手冊



Dear ENCATC members and friends from around the world, I am deeply honored to introduce the Taiwan Association of Cultural Policy Studies (TACPS) and highlight our decade-long collaboration with ENCATC. TACPS was founded in May 2015, and just a few months later, we had the privilege of welcoming ENCATC to Taipei. In 2017, TACPS and ENCATC formalized a protocol for exchange to foster further collaborations. That same year, TACPS, ENCATC, and AAAE launched the Brussels Manifesto on Arts Management, Culture Management, and Policy Education. I am thrilled that Jerry Liu, who signed these agreements, is here with his students at this year’s ENCATC Congress, and our board member Dr. Ku, to present their latest research.

TACPS is an independent, not-for-profit organization with members drawn from a wide range of disciplines, including cultural policy, arts management, cultural heritage, performing and visual arts, art criticism, community regeneration, film and media studies, and international cultural relations. Our mission is to provide an open, accessible platform for knowledge sharing and to foster a public sphere that encourages cultural collaboration, dialogue, and informed debate. We engage a broad spectrum of stakeholders—academics, NPOs, cultural enterprises, creative industries, and governmental cultural institutions, both in Taiwan and internationally.

TACPS was founded just a year after Taiwan’s Sunflower Movement, a student-led initiative that protested trade treaties perceived as threats to Taiwan’s political, economic, and cultural sovereignty. This movement marked a new chapter in the nation’s democratic evolution. During this period, we became acutely aware of culture’s essential role in reinforcing democracy. Democracy involves more than just formal processes; it requires ongoing efforts to uphold values such as equality, sustainability, accountability to future generations and the environment, and fostering reciprocity between communities and groups. We also became increasingly conscious of our influence on official cultural policies and the ways in which politics seeks to engage with culture.

Over the past decade, with these experiences from Taiwan, TACPS has greatly benefited not only from ENCATC’s wealth of knowledge but also from its dynamic and ever-inspiring spirit. As we celebrate our 10th anniversary and continue to present Taiwan’s contributions to cultural studies, we are especially delighted to introduce ENCATC to our young scholars and share our enthusiasm for future collaborations. I sincerely look forward to continuing our collaboration in the years to come. Thank you!



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