吳介祥 Wu Chieh-Hsiang
國立彰化師範大學美術學系 教授
Wu Chieh-Hsiang is Professor of Department of Arts in the National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan. She earned her master and doctorate degrees of sociology and art history in Carl von Ossietzky Oldenburg, Germany. In 2013 and 2014, Wu chaired Taiwan’s Association of the Visual Arts. Since 2015, Wu is the executive director of the Taiwan Association of Cultural Policy Studies. Her recent research focuses on the culture of memory and art projects reflecting the unjust incidents in the past, as well as the interrelations between the state power and exhibiting institutions.
TACPS will keep exploring the inexhaustible potential of culture with the dynamics of democracy.
劉俊裕 Jerry C Y Liu
國立臺灣藝術大學藝術管理與文化政策研究所 教授
劉俊裕現任國立臺灣藝術大學藝術管理與文化政策研究所教授,編著有《臺灣的國際文化關係:文化作為方法》(2022)、《再東方化:文化政策與文化治理的東亞取徑》(2018)、《臺灣文化權利地圖》(2015)、《全球都市文化治理與文化策略:藝文節慶、賽事活動與都市文化形象》(2013)等書。主持專案計畫包括2017「編撰文化白皮書暨籌劃全國文化會議」、「文化部推動文化基本法立法策略規劃案」、「文化部文化影響評估政策先期規劃研究」、財團法人國家文化藝術基金會「國際藝文趨勢觀察與情蒐計畫」等。劉俊裕為歐洲文化管理與文化政策研究網絡(ENCATC, 2015-2021) 國際理事,歐洲「文化政策與管理研究獎」評議委員(CPMRA, 2014-2021),以及亞太文化教育研究網絡(ANCER)的代表成員。目前同時擔任韓國Journal of Cultural Policy、英國History of Technology、波瀾與德國Cultural Management: Science and Education期刊編輯委員。劉俊裕曾任文化部「文化基本法」、「全球佈局專案辦公室」諮詢顧問。目前研究主軸為再東方化:文化政策與治理的東亞視野、臺灣文化公共領域、臺灣藝術文化治理的網絡,以及國際文化關係中文化與國際政治經濟的互為主體性等。
Jerry C Y Liu is a Professor of Graduate School of Arts Management and Cultural Policy at the National Taiwan University of Arts. He is the President of Taiwan Association of Cultural Policy Studies 2015-2021. Liu is invited as the ENCATC International Correspondence Board Member between 2015 and 2021, and advisory board member of ANCER. Liu is the author and editor of Taiwan’s International Cultural Relations: Culture as the Method (2022 forthcoming, in Chinese), ReOrient: An East Asian Approach on Cultural Policy and Cultural Governance (2018, in Chinese), The Mapping of Cultural Rights in Taiwan (2015, in Chinese) and Global Cities, Cultural Governance and Cultural Strategies: Art-Cultural Events, Festivals and Cultural Images (2013, in Chinese). He is an International Scientific Committee Member of the Journal Cultural Management: Science and Education and Editorial Board Member of the Journal of Cultural Policy (in Korea). Liu has been the project organizer and co-organizer of “2021-2022 Cultural Sustainability and Innovative Practices of Cultural Districts”, “2020-2021 Asian Network of Cultural Intermediaries”, “2017 Project of Cultural Congress and Cultural White Paper by the Ministry of Culture in Taiwan”, “A Preliminary Study on the Policy of Cultural Impact Assessment of Ministry of Culture” for the Ministry of Culture. Currently, he is preparing for the launching of a new Journal of Culture: Policy, Management and Entrepreneurship (in Chinese and English).
王俐容 Wang, Li-Jung
國立中央大學 客家語文暨社會科學學系 教授
王俐容教授為英國華威大學(University of Warwick)文化政策研究博士,現任中央大學客家語文暨社會科學學系教授。專長領域為:文化政策研究、族群與多元文化、文化經濟與消費社會、文化公民權。
仲曉玲 Hsiao-Ling Chung
國立成功大學規劃與設計學院-創意產業設計研究所 副教授
Dr. Hsiao-Ling CHUNG | Associate Prof. Institute of Creative Industries Design |
College of Planning and Design, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan |
⦁ Ph.D. in Creative Industries, MA. in Creative and Media Enterprises, University of Warwick, UK,
⦁ Research interests: cultural creative industries policies, creative talent and enterprises networks, regional CCI ecology in the contexts of cities and Asia.
⦁ Contact: hlchung@mail.ncku.edu.tw
connecting local and international cultural policy research resources, facilitating a platform for diverse, informed and intellectual cultural policy dialogue.
廖世璋 Liao, Shih-Chang
國立臺灣師範大學社會教育學系 專任教授、系主任
古淑薰 Shu-Shiun Ku
Shu-Shiun Ku is the assistant professor of Creative Cultural Industry at National Pintung University and the adjunct assistant professor of Graduate School of Arts Management and Cultural Policy at the National Taiwan University of Arts. From November 2016 to March 2018, she was the CEO of National Cultural Congress and Cultural White Paper Project commissioned by the Ministry of Culture in Taiwan.
Previously, she had worked in the media sector and a government institution in Taiwan for years. She got a PhD in School of Performance and Cultural Industries at University of Leeds (UK), and was a short-term post-doctoral research fellow at the Leeds Humanities Research Institution in 2016. Her current research focuses on cultural economy, cultural democratisation, and the contemporary evolution of cultural and creative industries and cultural policy in East Asia.
Encourage discussions on cultural policy and investigate the new forms of participatory democracy in cultural issues.
柯惠晴 Ko Hui Ching
工業技術研究院 服務系統科技中心 文化與運動科技服務組 文化科技應用發展部 副研究員
張玉漢 Chang, Yu-Han
台北市文化基金會 寶藏巖國際藝術村 總監
東吳政治學研究所畢業、北教大文化創意產業研究所畢業。台灣藝術大學藝政所博士生,現任台北當代藝術館副館長,曾任台北市文化基金會藝術村營運部行政經理、國會助理多年、台南藝術大學藝術史學系、海洋技術學院時尚造型設計系、台北城市大學觀光學系等校兼任講師。 研究興趣為「政策與立法研究」、「中國大陸文化政策研究」、「博物館及類博物館經營管理」等。
Chang, Yu-Han is now a PhD Researcher at the, Graduate School of Art Management & Culture Policy at National Taiwan University of Arts., Taiwan He had been an assistant in Taiwan’s congress for years before he became the Administrative Manager at the Department of Artist Village at Taipei Culture Foundation. In addition to his experience in arts administration, he has also been a lecturer at several universities in Taiwan. His research interests include Reformation of Chinese culture governance and cultural policy in Taiwan.
Expectations for TACPS:I hope to focus on cultural policy, and lead the discuss, to influence cultural policy.
張宇欣 Chang Yu Hsin
新北市新店區青潭國民小學 教師
陳翊綾 Chen Yi Ling
國立中央大學族群政策研究研究專案 專案研究人員Project Manager
曾任國會助理、創辦刊物 【尋庄】擔任總編輯、創辦農業品牌-鼓勵‧榖立、一條路文化工作室擔任執行長。
廖凰玎 Huang-Ding, Liao
2018中華民國博物館學會「國內外博物館專業資訊彙蒐」案 專案法律顧問
2021 國立故宮博物院「數位建設 5G 行動博物館之跨館合作計畫」前期規劃專案法律顧問
魏君穎 Chun-Ying Wei
國立中山大學藝術管理與創業研究所 助理教授
Chun-Ying Wei received her PhD from the Institute for Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship, MA in Arts Administration and Cultural Policy from Goldsmiths, University of London. Dr. Wei currently work in the Graduate Institute of Arts Management and Entrepreneurship of the National Sun Yat-Sen University in Taiwan. Her research addressed the policy formation and implementation of Taiwan’s cultural diplomacy. Combining her academic training and experiences as a cultural professional, she regularly contributes to the Performing Arts Review and other publications in Taiwan.
To connect with international cultural policy studies while addressing issues in domestic culture; stay critical without being cynical; to focus on the present with an insight for the future.
魏琬容 Wan-Jung Wei
OISTAT國際劇場組織 執行長
魏琬容是OISTAT自1968年創立以來最年輕的、也是唯一一位具有外交背景的執行長。幼習街舞,台大政治系學士,美國紐約大學Tisch藝術學院藝術政治碩士畢(MA in Arts Politics, New York University),致力於探問舞蹈和政治社會的關係。2010年受我國外交部派至我邦交國諾魯駐聯合國代表處。同年,舞作《Here, or There》入選美國紐Dumbo藝術節。相信政治和表演藝術能在日常生活中創造空間和對話,2011年選擇加入OISTAT國際劇場組織,以工作結合表演藝術與外交,並持續舞蹈創作。
OISTAT國際劇場組織,是劇場人的聯合國,一個由劇場設計師、劇場建築師以及劇場技術師所組成的非政府國際組織(NGO) ,1968年成立於捷克,2006年將總部移設台北。為全球唯一一個將總部移設台灣的國際組織。
OISTAT大型國際專案包括世界劇場設計展(World Stage Design)、Scenofest劇場藝術節、TAC劇場建築國際競圖(Theatre Architecture Competition)和TIP劇場創新發明獎(Technical Invention Prize)。
Wan-Jung Wei is the youngest leader of OISTAT Headquarters since its inception, also the first with diplomatic training. She joined OISTAT in 2011 to combine her passion for theatre and background in international affairs, applying this blend of skills to her daily works.
Wan-Jung Wei holds an MA degree in Arts Politics & Public Policy in New York University. She continuously explores the relations and possibilities between performing arts and politics through her writing and dance works. Her dance project “Here, or There” was selected in Dumbo Dance Festival in 2010 in New York. She believes that arts and politics are means to create space in life.
OISTAT, International Organisation of Scenographers, Theatre Architects and Technicians, is an international platform for theatre makers around the world. Founded in 1968 in Prague, its Headquarters relocated to Taipei, Taiwan in 2006. OISTAT’s international projects include World Stage Design, Scenofest, Theatre Architecture Competition and World Scenography.
彭俊亨 Pemg, Chun-Heng
元智大學人文社會學院 文化產業與文化政策博士學位學程副教授
城菁汝 Ching-Ju Cheng
國家圖書館 National Central Library 知識服務專家 Knowledge Services Specialist
Ching-Ju Cheng is a Knowledge Services Specialist at National Central Library, Taiwan. Her research focuses on digital content curation, museum studies, metadata planning. Previously, she got a PhD in School of Arts Management and Cultural Policy, National Taiwan University of Arts. She was a post-doctoral research fellow at the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica.
Act as a bridge between the public and private sectors and become a collaborating platform for different cultural fields.
榮芳杰 Fang-Jay Rong
國立清華大學竹師教育學院學士班、人文社會學院學士班 合聘副教授
榮芳杰副教授目前任職於國立清華大學竹師教育學院學士班與人文社會學院學士班 ,研究專長為文化資產管理、文化資產教育、世界遺產研究等領域。過去曾擔任國立清華大學環境教育中心主任、財團法人古都保存再生文教基金會董事、台灣文化資產學會理事、台灣建築史學會常務理事、臺灣周益記文化遺產永續發展協會常務理事。目前也同時擔任各縣市政府文化資產審議委員與諮詢委員,努力成為一位拉近民眾與文化資產場所之間距離的傳教士。
Dr. Fangjay Rong currently serving in the Department of Environmental and Cultural Resources of the National Tsinghua University in Taiwan. Over the period of 2009-2012, he worked in the Headquarters Administration of Cultural Heritage (then known as The Bureau of Cultural Heritage of the Ministry of Culture). He was the Director of the Centre for Environmental Education and Research at the National Tsinghua University. His major research interests lie in heritage conservation management and heritage education. He is also the director of several academic societies, such as the Society of Architectural Historians of Taiwan, Taiwan Heritage Society, Foundation Historic City Conservation and Regeneration, and so on. At the same time, he also the member of the heritage review committees by the local government.
Looking forward to TACPS can become a think tank for Cultural Heritage Policies in Taiwan.